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Source: American Agri-Women news release sent via AgPR--the news distribution service for agriculture

The American Agri-Women (AAW) is proud to join the 2016 National Ag Day Celebrations as an Ag Day sponsor at the Supporter level. Ag Day,, is being celebrated on March 15, 2016 while National Ag Week is being celebrated March 13-19, right before the official start of Spring!

AAW President Doris Mold said, "Agri-Women members and affiliates across the country have been involved in Ag Day since the early days, highlighting the importance of agriculture through a variety of activities over the years including Farmer's Share Breakfasts or Lunches, school visits, food drives, university ag information stations, legislative visits, newspaper articles and radio PSAs to help spread the word."

AAW will be represented at National Ag Day events in Washington, D.C. on March 14-15 by AAW President Doris Mold and AAW Past President Sue McCrum. They will also celebrate Ag Day at their Mid-Year meeting March 10-13 in Wichita, Kansas. AAW affiliates from across the country have events planned to bring attention to Ag Day.

The Kansas Agri-Women has partnered with the Kansas Department of Agriculture's Agriculture Educators and Communicators (ACE) group to help raise 75,000 meals for Kansas families during the month of March through the "Neighbor to Neighbor Food Drive."

The Santa Barbara Chapter of California Women for Agriculture, one of AAW's affiliates, has developed a Resolution in support of National Ag Day. Their Agriculture Commissioner will be distributing the 2016 Ag Day poster to each member of the county Board of Supervisors and the Santa Maria City Council.

On Ag Day, the Santa Barbara Chapter will have an event at the Santa Maria Boys & Girls Club that will include a petting zoo with 4-H farm animals and planting seedlings that the kids can take home and watch grow.

At a local restaurant in Nebraska, the Western Nebraska Agri-Women are providing Ag Day Materials, which includes Ag Facts, coloring books and placemats. They are also doing Ag Day stickers in conjunction with school lunches, reaching over 2500 students with an Ag Day message.

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