Nov. 20, 2023
Source: National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) Congratulations to Gardner Hatch, Woodruff, who received the 2023 Dix Harper Meritorious Service Award. Thank you, Gardner, for your dedication to the farm broadcasting industry. Hatch is Strategic Business Lead at the marketing communications agency Woodruff. He is a graduate of the University of Missouri and has been with Bader Rutter, G & S Business Communications, Dudnyk and Fleishman-Hillard. This award is presented to an Allied Industry Council or Management & Sales Council member who has demonstrated exemplary and committed service to NAFB. The award was renamed in 2006 to honor longtime member, leader and historian Dix Harper. It was first presented in 1957 to Charlie Karr. Karr was a sales promotion manger for Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The 2023 Plambeck Award for Creative Excellence Single Entry Winner: Meyer Agri-Service/Brick Street Precision Nebraska Rural Radio Association Series Entry Winner: Red Star Fertilizer Nebraska Rural Radio Association Tweet |