Sep. 4, 2024 Source: Lessiter Media Featuring Frank Lessiter's most influential No-Till Farmer columns from 1972 to present, "Frankly Speaking" is a non-whitewashed account of no-till's trials, tribulations and triumphs. The only editor of No-Till Farmer since its first edition in 1972, Frank Lessiter is known as the "Johnny Appleseed of No-Tillage" for producing the only voice for growers to learn from one another about farming without the plow. Like the farmers he wrote for, he and no-till were scoffed at by universities, equipment suppliers, machinery dealers and, of course, the local coffee shops where "ugly or lazy farming" gossip ran rampant. With personal passion, Lessiter persistently reported on no-till successes and new solutions to usher a major paradigm shift in ag. "Frankly Speaking" is the first-of-its kind compilation of 683 of Lessiter's personal columns and opinions - as they occurred in real-time. Lessiter's front-row seat spans more than half a century, during which he witnessed no-till acres grow from 3.3 million acres to 110 million acres today, and set forth a global revolution in farming. For more information and to order click here. Tweet |