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Source: USDA news release

WASHINGTON - Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is announcing the second round of states coming on board as part of its National Milk Testing Strategy (NMTS) that was launched Dec. 6., and which requires that raw (unpasteurized) milk samples nationwide be collected and shared with USDA for testing.

Today's announcement represents the next step toward conducting complete nationwide surveillance under the NMTS and continues to build on measures taken by USDA and its federal and state partners since the outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in dairy cattle was first detected in March 2024.

As of this announcement, the following seven states will be included in the second round of states to be brought into this testing strategy: Indiana, Maryland, Montana, New York, Ohio, Vermont, and Washington.

While the new Federal Order is effective immediately, and has been in effect since being announced Dec. 6, USDA continues to work directly with states to bring them on board as quickly as possible while also accommodating state specific needs. With this announcement and the initial announcement Dec. 6 combined, the 13 states beginning testing under the NMTS represent a geographically diverse mix of states, some of which have been affected by HPAI H5N1 in dairy cows and some of which have never detected the disease. Additionally, these first two groups of states represent eight of the top 15 dairy producing states in the country, accounting for nearly 50% of U.S. dairy production.

The first six states announced have begun sampling under the guidance of the NMTS and the new Federal Order and USDA anticipates receiving the first round of sampling during the week of Dec. 16. Results from this testing will be included in the routine testing reports shared by APHIS, and any newly affected herds will be reported on the website on the existing HPAI confirmed cases in livestock map. As has been the case since the start of this outbreak in dairy cows, any confirmed detection will be reported to local public health and state animal health officials to coordinate response efforts with our state and federal partners. The seven states announced today will begin testing soon.

National Milk Testing Strategy Background

The National Milk Testing Strategy (NMTS) is designed to increase USDA's and public health partners' understanding of the virus' spread in the United States through a structured, uniform, and mandatory testing system that will help swiftly identify which states, and specific herds within them, are affected with H5N1; support the rapid implementation of enhanced biosecurity measures to decrease the risk of transmission to other livestock; and importantly, inform critical efforts to protect farmworkers to help lower their risk of exposure.

APHIS has been working diligently to educate and inform key state and animal health partners about this Federal Order and National Milk Testing Strategy, as well as to establish written agreements with states to support how they can work with USDA under the new strategy.

APHIS will continue to work diligently to add states testing under the NMTS. Throughout this process APHIS will support and offer resources to states that develop bulk milk testing plans and help each state execute testing that meets their needs and aligns with the guidance of the NMTS. APHIS will continue to work with each of the 48 contiguous states to participate in the strategy until all states are participating and testing under the NMTS.

USDA's Continued Efforts to Combat H5N1

USDA consistently operates on a science-based, step-by-step approach, informed by what it learns about this virus through its everyday work and research and surveillance efforts. This National Milk Testing Strategy marks the next step in escalating that response to meet the needs based on the facts on the ground. This expanded testing effort is just one part of our broader strategy to contain and ultimately eliminate the virus from the national dairy herd.

USDA continues to stress to farmers nationwide the critical importance of effective biosecurity practices as the best weapon against the spread of disease and has provided clear recommendations for livestock producers. The Department strongly recommends that all producers review their current biosecurity measures and ensure best practices identified over the past eight months are incorporated, even if H5N1 has not been detected in their state or region. More information about biosecurity best practices can be found on APHIS' website here Enhance Biosecurity | Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

USDA encourages all herd owners to participate in the producer support programs that are already available, which help to cover some of the costs associated with biosecurity planning, PPE for employees, and veterinary care. Producers can find more information at Financial Assistance | Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, or at your nearest USDA Farm Service Agency county office.


APHIS protects the health of U.S. agriculture and natural resources against invasive pests and diseases, regulates genetically engineered crops, administers the Animal Welfare Act, and helps people and wildlife coexist. We also certify the health of U.S. agricultural exports and resolve phytosanitary and sanitary issues to open, expand, and maintain markets for U.S plant and animal products.

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