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![]() November/December 2005 There's a lot of hot news in the Agri-marketing industry! Following is a listing of those participants as of Oct. 18, key contacts and their plans for NAFB's Trade Talk. AGCO Duluth, Ga. What's Hot: New AGCO Engine coupled with PowerMaxx CVT results in major fuel savings. Auto-Guide™ adds to fuel savings. The re-designed RoGator 874 is a dependable basic machine that lets customers pay for only those extras they need. Extended Warranty for TerraGator and RoGator. CVT Technology increases the tractor's efficiency. AGCO Heritage® Parts provides the industry with quality parts for older tractors and combines. VariTarget® nozzles and AGCO Power Units are new offerings from AGCO parts. Contacts: Todd Stucke, General Marketing Mgr., AGCO Tractors; Mark Sharitz, Dir. of Marketing, Ag-Chem; Adrian Crisp, General Marketing Mgr. for High-Power Wheel Tractors; Tony Solon, Marketing Mgr., Parts Marketing & Pricing; Jamie Collins, Marketing Mgr., OEM Parts; Ph: 770/813-9200. AGRIUM Calgary, AB What's Hot: Agrium is showcasing an innovative concept in agricultural grade nitrogen fertilizer for corn. ESN Smart Nitrogen is a smarter source of nitrogen, a smarter way to grow corn. ESN is an agricultural grade, controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer that maximizes nitrogen-use efficiency and minimizes losses to the environment. A special polymer coating applied to urea granules allows nitrogen to release at a rate that matches the demand of grain crops. Contact: Todd Denzin, Sales Mgr., Diversified Products; Ph: 403/225-7000. AGSTAR FINANCIAL SERVICES Mankato, Minn. What's Hot: AgStar expands leadership in Renewable Energy; Interest Rates; Preferred Capital line of credit; AgriGrowth Council Meeting recap; Strategies for Operating Loans. Contact: Paul DeBriyn, Pres./CEO; Ph: 507/345-5651. AMERICAN ANGUS ASSOCIATION/CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF LLC St. Joseph, Mo. What's Hot: Training, leadership and target marking boost CAB brand sales by 30 million pounds to 533 million total (13,000 licensees). $-Value Indexes simplify multi-trait comparisons and help producers pick the right bulls for their needs. The AngusSource marketing system and individual animal ID issues. Contacts: Steve Suther, CAB Dir. of Industry Information; Deanna Walenciak, CAB Dir. of Sales Communications; Lance Zimmerman, CAB Industry Information; Jim Shirley, Association Dir. of Commercial Programs; Sara Moyer, Association Dir. of Communication; Ph: 816/383-5100. AMERICAN FARM BUREAU Washington, D.C. What's Hot: Farm Bill; Energy prices; Animal identification; Ag policy; WTO negotiations, Trade issues Contacts: Mark Maslyn, Executive Dir.; Ph: 202/406-3660. AMERICAN SHEEP INDUSTRY ASSN Centennial, Colo. What's Hot: Mandatory price reporting; Livestock Risk Protection - Lamb; Increase in Sheep Numbers in the U.S.; 3rd year of strong lamb prices; NAIS - Group/Lot for Sheep; New products - Washable wool, wool/nomax, enzyme treated wool. Contact: Bob Gilbert, Executive Dir., Montana Wool Growers Association and producer; Ph: 303/771-3500. AMERICAN SOYBEAN ASSN St. Louis, Mo. What's Hot: Agriculture and the Federal Budget; Transportation and Infrastructure; Biodiesel, the Soy Renewable Fuel; Soy Solutions to Trans Fat Labeling; Trade Negotiations and WTO; What was learned about Soybean Rust?; The new U.S. Soybean Export Council. Contacts: Bob Metz, ASA Pres.; Richard Ostlie, ASA First VP; John Hoffman, ASA VP; Ph: 314/567-1770. ANIMAL HEALTH INSTITUTE Washington, D.C. What's Hot: The debate over the legal standing of animals: What it means to producers. The future of antibiotic feed additives: Will producers have the tools to maintain herd health? Contact: Ron Phillips,VP of Public Affairs; Ph: 202/637-2440. BASF - THE CHEMICAL COMPANY Research Triangle Park, N.C. What's Hot: Headline® fungicide for Plant Health in corn and soybeans; BASF crop protection products; CLEARFIELD Production System for wheat, sunflowers and rice; Headline, Pristine, Endura and Cabrio fungicides; Distinct, Guardsman Max, G-Max Lite, and Outlook herbicides; Regent insecticide, BASF seed treatment products; Headline for corn and soybeans; AgMediaCentral.com. Contacts: Dr. Gary Fellows, Technical Market Mgr.; Joy Watson; Kaye Iftner, Communications Mgr.; Ph: 800/669-1770. BASF PLANT SCIENCE Research Triangle Park, N.C. What's Hot: Fifty-five percent of the U.S. corn crop is fed to animals. As technology improves, the nutritional value of customized corn becomes more evident. NutriDense is a nutritionally enhanced corn that contains a stacked set of output traits designed to enhance animal feed performance. It offers elevated energy levels, increased essential amino acids and improved phosphorus availability to enhance bottom-line performance. Contact: Jerry Weigel, Dir. of Technical Services; Ph: 800/669-1770. BAYER ANIMAL HEALTH Kansas City, Mo. What's Hot: Baytril 100 and cattle respiratory disease; QuickBayt fly control for horse owners and small farmers; CyLence Ultra ear tags for controlling flies in beef cattle on pasture; Bayer fly control tools for dairy farmers; Legend and equine joint disease. Contact: Mitch Johnson; Ph: 913/268-2000. BAYER CROPSCIENCE Durham, N.C. What's Hot: Bayer CropScience is a leading provider of innovative agricultural solutions, technology and services that enhance crop productivity and reduce crop loss to help meet global needs for food, feed and fiber. Contact: Ph: 800/233-6164. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago, Ill. What's Hot: CBOT ag products, markets and initiatives; Exchange information, contacts and resources for broadcasters; CBOT Corn, Soybean and other grain futures markets; South American Soybean futures contract. Contacts: Jennifer Rook, CBOT Communications; Steve Bruce, CBOT Member, Trader; James Bower, Broker/Owner, Bower Trading; Ph: 312/435-3620. COMMODITY CLASSIC Chesterfield, Mo. What's Hot: Commodity Classic 2006 in Anaheim, California. Contacts: Gary Bradley; Peggy Findley; Neil Caskey, St. Louis, Mo.; Randy DeSutter, Woodhull, Ill.; Randy Mann, Auburn, Ky.; Kathie Mullen, St. Louis, Mo.; Richard Peterson, Mountain Lake, Minn.; Theresa Schmalshof, Adair, Ill.; Curt Singergard, Rolfe, Iowa; Gene Youngquist, Cameron, Ill.; Ph: 636/733-9004 COUNCIL FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY INFORMATION Washington, D.C. What's Hot: Producing high quality crops while listening to the needs of the land. How biotech crops have im-proved the environmental impact and new studies quantifying the economic and environmental benefit of biotech crops. Contact: Michael Carey, Iowa Farmer/ Poet; Ph: 202/467-6565. COUNTRYSIDE MARKETING, INC. Menomonee Falls, Wis. What's Hot: Meth Labs - The Scourge of Rural America ... Sgt. Hotz will be able to visit with broadcasters regarding what rural American needs to know about meth labs ... what to look for ... how to identify a meth lab ... who to contact and what to do if they find a meth lab on their property and what NOT to do! Contacts: Carroll Merry; Sergeants John Hotz and Jim Wingo, Missouri State Police; Ph: 262/253-6902. CROP1 INSURANCE West Des Moines, Iowa What's Hot: Changes to the premium reduction program authorized by USDA and how these changes will affect the potential savings farmers may receive from various crop insurance providers. Crop1's leadership working with USDA and Congress on behalf of farmers to ensure they have access to premium reduction programs in the future. Contacts: Billy Rose, CEO; Terri Wallace, VP; Ph: 866/765-0552. CROPLIFE AMERICA Washington, D.C. What's Hot: Novel Partnership between CropLife America and Ducks Unlimited; Can the endangered Species Act be Updated?; Cleaning up the FIFRA-NPDES Dilemma; AgCom Coalition Taking Root. Contacts: Allan Noe, Dir.of Communications; Ph: 202/872-3840. CROPLIFE AMBASSADOR St. Louis, Mo. What's Hot: Media can get information on our resource for the agricultural industry to reach the public who are now generations removed from the family farm with absolutely no idea from where food and fiber come. We provide presentation materials on today's agriculture, visuals and links to schools across the Midwest. Contacts: Janet Braun; Don Goodman, Ambassador, CropLife Ambassador Network; Ph: 314/849-9446. DAIRY MANAGEMENT INC. Rosemont, Ill. What's Hot:Dairy checkoff programs including exports, partnerships with the NFL® and foodservice, New Look of School Milk, 3-A-Day™ of Dairy, and nutrition research. Efforts of the U.S. Dairy Export Council and trends in dairy exports. Contacts: Les Hardesty, Producer, DMI Board Member; Jill Johnson, U.S. Dairy Export Council; Ph: 800/853-2479. ELANCE ANIMAL HEALTH Greenfield, Ind. What's Hot: New research shows real-world results with Finishing Improvement Technologies. Tips for improving production efficiencies in dairy calves, heifers and cow. Contacts: Grady Bishop; Howard Green; Ph: 800/428-4441. FARM CREDIT SERVICE OF AMERICA Omaha, Neb. What's Hot: Results of extensive Young & Beginning Producer Survey. Farm Credit Service of America's contributions to the growth of agriculture. Contacts: Douglas Stark, Pre./CEO; Karl Bieber, Communications Specialist; Doug Jeske, the Meyoks Group; Ph: 800/884-3276. NUTRIENTS FOR LIFE FOUNDATION Washington, D.C. What's Hot: Natural gas and its impact on the fertilizer situation, ammonium nitrate and other security issues, educating the public about the benefits afforded by fertilizers. Contact: Kathy Mathers, VP/Executive Dir.; Ph: 202/962-0490. FMC Philadelphia, Pa. What's Hot: Capture insecticide Rewards Program, Mustang Max in a plant protection program for alfalfa and soybeans. New Carbine insecticide introduction for plant bugs and aphids in cotton; new Ranman fungicide for prevention of late blight in potatoes and tomatoes, tuber protection in potatoes and prevention of downy mildew in cucurbits; new crop expansions for Brigade insecticide/miticide in California. New Shark H2O for California rice, Shark EW on tree row middles and for burndown in cotton, soybeans, corn, cereals, and wild rice in California; Spartan herbicide for sunflowers; Aim defoliation in cotton and new label for burndown in diversified crop applications. Contacts: Aaron Locker, Product Mgr.; Yemel Ortega, Product Mgr.; Joe Short, Product Mgr.; Ph: 215/299-6000. GARST SEED COMPANY Slater, Iowa What's Hot: Garst's new Agrisure Corn trait product lineup; AgriEdge Corn & Soybean program offerings for 2006 planting; 2005 Corn & Soybean Product Performance; Garst 75th Anniversary; True Blue Customer Rewards Program; Garst's FFA Commercial Competition and curriculum. Contacts: Steve Klein, Head of Marketing; Lori Thomas, Communications Mgr.; Ph: 515/685-5000. JOHN DEERE Lenexa, Kan. What's Hot: Recently introduced 8030 Series Tractors ranging in horsepower from 180 - 275 PTO horsepower. The 8530 Tractor at 275 hp is the largest row crop tractor in the industry. New crop insurance programs recently introduced by JDRP. In 2005-2006 crop season, JDRP will expand the number of agents, products, and states served to meet the needs of growers seeking crop insurance solutions. The full range of new products introduced by John Deere including updates for 60 Series combines with the new bullet rotor design, GreenStar 2 guidance and documentation systems, and the Refuge Plus planter option to assist growers in planting refuges for insect resistance management IRM). John Deere's commitment to renewable energy including biodiesel, wind energy, and other renewable resources. Contacts: Ron Schwertner, Marketing Division Mgr.; Dennis Daggett, Pres., John Deere Risk Protection (JDRP); Barry Nelson, Public Relations Mgr.; Ph: 309/765-6260. KANSAS CITY BOARD OF TRADE Kansas City, Mo. What's Hot: KCBT volume and open interest setting records at KCBT; KCBT wheat market. Contacts: Shelia Summers; Kansas City Board of Trade Members and Floor Traders; Ph: 816/753-7500. W.K. KELLOGG FOUNDATION Battle Creek, Mich. What's Hot: The Kellogg Foundation's new grant program to invigorate rural America. Entrepreneurship is a critical engine of economic growth for rural communities. How farm and urban families can reduce the incidence of obesity in their families. How farmers and their communities profit when farmers grow for the local food market. Contacts: Caroline Carpenter; Melinda Hemmelgarn; Ph: 269/969-2159. LANDEC AG/INTELLICOAT Monticello, Ind. What's Hot: Landec Ag has conducted an Intellicoat planting survey to measure current practices, capacity, and factors impacting timely spring planting. Responses will include data from 7,000 growers on optimization, yields due to timing, and barriers (including weather) to timely planting. Summary data will be available. Contacts: Bill Gass; Ph: 219/583-2741. MCCORMICK USA Pella, Iowa What's Hot: Introduction of the new XTX tractor series and loader line from McCormick. Also discuss future product expansions from McCormick in 2006. Discuss the future direction of McCormick and being ranked 17th out of 300 short-line manufacturers in terms of ease of doing business by dealers in a recent Farm Equipment magazine survey. Contacts: Chad Huyser, Marketing Mgr.; Kim Robinson, Pres.; Ph: 641/621-7370. MEAT AND POULTRY ALLIANCE What's Hot: BSE, Restoring Trade with Japan, Restoring full trade with Canada, COL, Meat safety; Animal Handling, Avian Influenza, Meat safety, Thanksgiving; Avian Influenza, Animal Handling, Meat safety; BSE, Trade, Meatsafety, COL. Contacts: Dave Ray, The American Meat Institute; Sherrie Rosenblatt, National Turkey Federation; Richard Lobb, National Chicken Council; Jesse Benton, American Meat Institute; Ph: 202/587-4200. THE MOSAIC COMPANY Plymouth, Minn. What's Hot: The increasing cost of production inputs will again be a source of concern for the nation's growers as we move into 2006. While the Mosaic Company shares these concerns, they do have a greater fear that growers will sacrifice productivity for the sake of short-term savings. They may be tempted to cut critical soil fertility inputs to reduce costs before thoroughly analyzing what kind of negative impact those cuts may have. We know that recent research shows that of all the factors that growers suggest contribute to profitability, higher yields are number one. In other words, cutting back on fertilizer only makes sense if it can be done without reducing crop yields and the associated profit. Contacts: Dan Froehlich, U.S. Agronomy Mgr., The Mosaic Co.; Dr. Paul Fixen, Senior VP, The Potash & Phosphate Institute; Ph: 847/739-1200. NASDA Washington, D.C. What's Hot: Commissioners, Secretaries, and Directors of State Departments of Agriculture from the Midwest. Homeland security; federal and state animal identification programs; future of the Farm Bill; childhood obesity; biotechnology; Avian Influenza; NASDAs participation in the WTO trade talks in Hong Kong; specialty crop block grants to state departments of agriculture; administration of farm viability programs by the state departments of agriculture; Tri-National Agricultural Accord with Canada and Mexico. Contacts: Richard Kirchhoff, Executive VP/CEO; Ph: 202/296-9680. NAT'L ASSN OF WHEAT GROWERS Washington, D.C. What's Hot: Primary focus will be discussion of the upcoming farm bill from a wheat grower's perspective. Contacts: Sherman Reese, Pres.; Jennifer Spurgat, Dir. Governmental Affairs; Lance Lamberton, Dir. of Communications and Industry Relations; Ph: 202/547-7800. NAT'L CATTLEMEN'S BEEF ASSN Centennial, Colo. What's Hot: Topics of interest include international trade, animal ID, beef demand and promotion, beef safety, grazing rights, environmental regulation, the Beef Checkoff Program, and the business climate for cattle producers. Contacts: John Queen, NCBA VP; Joe Schuele, NCBA Dir. of Trade Media; Ph: 303/694-0305. NAT'L CORN GROWERS ASSN Chesterfield, Mo. What's Hot: Energy prices/input prices, river transportation; the size of corn crop; aftermath of hurricanes. Contacts: Mimi Ricketts; Gerald Tumbleson, First VP; Kin McCauley; Rick Toman, CEO - 636/733-9004. NAT'L ETHANOL COALITION Jefferson City, Mo. What's Hot: E85 as an alternative transportation fuel. Future E85 infrastructure and the current number of E85 fueling facilities. E85 compatible vehicle models from introduction until model year 2006. Contacts: Michelle Kautz, Dir. of Communications - 573/635-8445. NAT'L FARM MEDICINE CTR Marshfield, Wis. What's Hot: Third annual Journalists Workshop on childhood agricultural safety and health scheduled for Washington state; Creating Safe Play Areas on Farms; Research on groundwater quality. Contact: Scott Heiberger, Communications Specialist - 800/662-6900. NAT'L GRAIN AND FEED ASSN Washington, D.C. What's Hot: Lingering impacts of hurricanes on U.S. grain industry and farmers; What's the feed industry's take on FDA's proposed BSE-prevention feed regulations?; Is transportation capacity the biggest future constraint on U.S. agriculture competitiveness? And what does that mean to producers bottom lines?; The 2007 Farm Bill and WTO negotiations. Contacts: Kendell Keith, Pres.; Randy Gordon, VP, Communications and Government Relations; Ph: 202/289-0873. THE NAT'L GRANGE Washington, D.C. What's Hot: The importance of the new Medicare prescription drug plan to rural seniors. Contacts: Richard Weiss, COO; DoriAnn Gedris; Ph: 202/628-3507. NAT'L PORK BOARD Des Moines, Iowa What's Hot: Moving the needle on domestic demand; The early identification and management of issues; The transfer and deployment of knowledge and technology; Partnerships and alliances inside and outside of the chain; The image of the industry; The resolution of the swine welfare issue with customers; A long range strategy for U.S. Pork exports; The industry's future leadership; Answers to the odor issue. Contacts: Danita Rodibaugh, Pork Producer and Pres.; Steve Murphy, CEO; Mike Wegner, VP of Communications; Cindy Cunningham, Assistant VP of Communications; Ph: 515/223-2600. NAT'L PORK PRODUCERS COUNCIL Washington, D.C. What's Hot: 2007 Farm Bill; National Animal Identification; International Trade, WTO; General pork industry issues. Contacts: Don Buhl, Pres.; Joy Philippi, Pres.-elect; Nicholas Giordano, International Trade Council; Neil Dirks, CEO; Ph: 515/278-8012. NAT'L RENEWABLE ENERGY LABORATORY Golden, Colo. What's Hot: Wind Energy Development; Debunking Myths of Wind Energy Development; Economic Benefits of Wind Development; Why Farmers Should be Interested in Wind Energy; USDA Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Grant and Loan Program, Energy: The Crop of the 21st Century; USDA Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Grant Program, Use of other USDA Rural Development Grant Programs for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. Contacts: Charles Newcomb; Gary Smith; Ph: 303/275-3000. NAT'L SORGHUM PRODUCERS Lubbock, Tex. What's Hot: Profitability. Sorghum is a "water-sipping" crop that helps producers minimize energy costs, conserve moisture and return a profit. It can command premium prices in value-added markets. Conservation. With farm bill discussions underway and the Doha Round of WTO talks continuing, sorghum producers are communicating the value of sorghum's "water-sipping" characteristics to minimize energy costs and conserve water. Genome sequencing. The Joint Genome Institute within the Department of Energy has targeted sorghum for sequencing in 2006, which will make it the second cereal crop to be sequenced. Contacts: James Vorderstrasse, Producer and Pres.; Tim Lust, CEO; Dr. Jeff Dahlberg, Research Dir.; Ph: 806/749-3478. NEW HOLLAND New Holland, Pa. What's Hot: What do New Holland, the U.S. Army and Country Music have in common?; Why is 1998's Country Music's top selling new male artist and multi-award winner putting New Holland Blue on his band? Contacts: Gene H. Hemphill; Michael Peterson; Ph: 888/290-7377. PIC U.S.A. Franklin, Ky. What's Hot: Symbol III, created by the National Pork Board, identifies the preferred performance targets of market hogs to achieve profitability. A pig breeding stock supplier's role in product development and evaluation of commercial on-farm performance in an effort to meet those objectives for today's pork producers. Contact: Dr. Bill Christianson, Dir. of Technical Operations; Ph: 800/325-3398. PROPANE COUNCIL Washington, D.C. What's Hot: The purpose of the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) is to promote the safe, efficient use of propane as a preferred energy source. The council receives funding from propane marketers and producers by an assessment or "check-off" on each gallon of odorized propane gas. Each year, PERC invests a portion of their budget in programs and projects that benefit the U.S. agriculture industry. Contacts: Robert Jacobs, Chairman, Agriculture Advisory Committee; Mark Leitman, Dir. of Agriculture Programs; Ph: 202/452-8975. QUALISOY Chesterfield, Mo. What's Hot: Low-lin soybean traits; QUALISOY, an industry-wide coalition - What it means for U.S. soybeans; What's in the pipeline for soybean traits; How QUALISOY affects farmers; What QUALISOY does for the soybean industry and who benefits; Customer demand and how QUALISOY is helping to meet these demands. Contacts: Jim Sutter; Kent Gronlie; Ph: 314/579-1583. RABOBANK New York, N.Y. What's Hot: Rabobank in America; Rabobank's explosive growth and financing for farmers; How Rabobank's resources, global reach, and deep knowledge of agriculture are compelling advantages for our clients. Contacts: Lynne Burns; Melissa Schuler; Tad Mozena; Lizz Hund; Ph: 212/808-2581. RAIN AND HAIL Urbandale, Iowa What's Hot: Agriculture insurance and Risk Management related topics; Crop insurance and potential Premium Reduction plans. Contacts: Scott Arnold, National Marketing Mgr.; Jimmie Oliver, Marketing Mgr.; Ph: 515/559-1000. R-CALF USA Billings, Mont. What's Hot: Country-of-origin labeling; Mandatory livestock price reporting; Captive supplies and packer ownership of livestock; The National Animal Identification System; BSE; International trade agreements. Contacts: Bill Bullard, CEO; Shae Dodson, Communications Coordinator; Ph: 406/252-2516. RENEWABLE FUELS ASSN Washington, D.C. What's Hot: Implementation of RFS/Energy Bill; Ethanol Growth/Impact on Local Communities. Contacts: Bob Dinneen, Pres.; Matt Hartwig; Ph; 202/289-3835. SYNGENTA CROP PROTECTION Greensboro, N.C. What's Hot: Atrazine issues important to farmers; AVICTA Complete Pak - the first seed treatment nematicide for cotton. Contacts: Jere White, Chairman, Triazine Network; David Long, Syngenta Seed Treatment Technical Mgr.; Ph: 336/632-6000. EPA Washington, D.C. What's Hot: Air consent agreement; CAFO rule; Clean Water Act/pesticide application and particulate matter; Nutrient criteria; Water quality standards and impaired waters; CAFO air monitoring; agriculture related burnings; Ethanol and biodiesel; Risk Management Plan enforcement; Agriculture waste to energy and farmer exemption to spill prevention control and counter measures; Total maximum daily loads. Contacts: Jon Scholl, Counselor to the Administrator for Agricultural Policy; Jim Gulliford, Region 7 administrator; Carol Kather, Deputy Division Dir., Air, RCRA and Toxics Division; Leo Alderman, Dir. of Water, Wetlands and Pesticide Division. USDA-FAS-OOEA Washington, D.C. What's Hot: Importance of agricultural trade. Contacts: Mike Dwyer, Chief Economist, FAS. USDA NASS Washington, D.C. What's Hot: November crop production report: Hot Off the Press!; December agricultural survey; Timely, accurate and useful statistics. Contacts: Ron Bosecker, Administrator; Dan Kerestes, Livestock Branch Chief; Gene Danekas, Dir., Missouri Field Office; Ray Garibay, Staff Dir., Marketing & Information Services Office; Ellen Dougherty, Marketing Section Head; Krissy Young, Public Affairs Specialist; Ph: 202/690-8122 USDA NRCS Washington, D.C. What's Hot: Cooperative conservation programs and activities; NRCS communications. Contacts: Merlin Bartz, regional assist ant chief-Midwest; Mary Cressel, communications officer; Ph: 202/720-3933. U.S. GRAINS COUNCIL Washington, D.C. What's Hot: The U.S. Grains Council's Food for Progress program in Iraq; The Councils efforts to increase exports of DDGS and other value-added grains; The Councils involvement in building a beef feed lot in Morocco and the impact it will have on corn and sorghum exports; Biotechnology; Value-enhanced grains; Trade policy. Contacts: Davis Anderson, Chairman, U.S. Grains Council and VP of Grain, GROWMARK, Inc.; Doug Boisen, Treasurer, U.S. Grains Council and farmer from Minden, Neb.; Ph: 202/789-0789. U.S. MEAT EXPORT FEDERATION Denver, Colo. What's Hot: U.S. beef and pork exports; Contacts: Lynn Heinze, VP of Information - 303/623-6328; Cheryl Kamenski, Mgr. of Media Communications - 303/623-6328. U.S. POTATO BOARD/NATIONAL POTATO COUNCIL Denver, Colo. What's Hot: Best in Class Retail Program; Healthy Mr. Potato Head Campaign; International Marketing; International Market Access; Canadian Ministerial Exemptions; Domestic and International Feeding Programs; Legislative/2007 Farm Bill Initiatives. Contacts: Ann Vorthmann, Dir. of Industry Communications of the U.S. Potato Board; Jim Wysocki, VP of Legislative and Governmental Affairs of the National Potato Council, Bancroft, Wis.; Ph: 303/873-2314. VALENT U.S.A. Walnut Creek, Calif. What's Hot: Valent's newest product Select Max Herbicide with Inside Technology and their top-performing fungicide, Domark. Contacts: Mark Kitt; Lauren Daniel; Emily Dahlbeck; Ph: 800/682-5368. VALMONT IRRIGATION Valley, Neb. What's Hot: Quad Drive; Precision Corner; Cams Tracker. Contacts: Jim Mikula; Will Sheets; Ph: 402/359-2201. VERMEER Pella, Iowa What's Hot: Tips on making the perfect cornstalk bale and how to select the right equipment for this tough job; Trends in using cornstalk bales in combination with ethanol byproducts to produce a low cost feed ration for cattle and how farmers and livestock produces can take advantage of this trend. Contacts: Dan Belzer, Marketing Mgr.; Jay Van Roekel, Segment Mgr.; Ph: 800/370-3659. Tweet |
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