Apr. 27, 2021 Source: American Agri-Women sent via AgPR--the news distribution service for agriculture Denver, CO - American Agri-Women (AAW) President Karolyn Zurn warns voters, "Colorado Initiative 16 is deceiving the Voters to Advance an Anti-Meat Agenda." Signatures will be gathered by an extremist anti-agriculture, animal rights group to place their proposed " Initiative 16" on the Colorado 2022 November ballot. If passed, Initiative 16, also known as "Protect Animals from Unnecessary Suffering and Exploitation" (PAUSE) would impose unrealistic mandates for animal agriculture that are designed with the intent to reduce meat and dairy production. But the animals covered in this Initiative include dogs, cats, horses, livestock, police working dogs and horses, service animals, fish, and poultry. The emotionally charged hook to deceive Colorado voters into passing this Initiative is its claim to ban beasteality, or sexual acts with animals, which is already illegal in Colorado. Janell Reid, a 3rd generation Colorado cattle rancher stated, "Behind a great deal of misinformation and deception, Initiative 16 would eliminate husbandry practices which would result in the complete elimination of livestock breeding, ranching, and animal agriculture in Colorado. Practices which ensure the health and safety of both people and animals would be redefined as "cruelty" by this agenda-driven lie known as Initiative 16." Mindy Patterson, Animal Welfare Chair for American Agri-woman and President of The Cavalry Group stated, "Initiative 16 is being promoted in a way that will intentionally mislead voters by playing on their emotions through the use of pictures and video taken vastly out of context." She adds, "Initiative 16 is a recipe for starvation as it will tighten the noose on food producers across the state of Colorado and force them out of business." The strategy of the groups behind Initiative 16 is following a pattern established by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) passing so-called "anti-cruelty" regulations through the ballot initiative process in other states; all at the expense of fewer farms and ranches, fewer farmers and ranchers, higher food prices, and a growing concern of a domestic food shortage. As American Agri-Women we #STANDUPSPEAKOUT4AG and are an ongoing "Voice for Truth About Agriculture." About American Agri-Women American Agri-Women (AAW) promotes the welfare of our national security through a safe and reliable food, fiber, and energy supply. Since 1974, AAW members have worked together to educate consumers, advocate for agriculture, and offer networking and professional development opportunities. Go to the AAW web site for more information and to join, www.americanagriwomen.org. Find AAW on social media at: Facebook.com/AgriWomen/, Twitter.com/Women4Ag/ (@Women4Ag) and Instagram.com/americanagriwomen/ (@americanagriwomen.#standupspeakout4ag Tweet |