Jun. 7, 2021 Source: BRANDT news release The BRANDT Foundation, dedicated to supporting agricultural education, has partnered with the National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization (NAITCO) and its Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) program members. The BRANDT Foundation's sponsorship supports the eLearning educational resources added to the NAITCO website at eLearning (agclassroom.org) to help parents, teachers and students learn from home. In addition, The BRANDT Foundation is supporting the 2021 NAITCO Conference "Fields of Dreams," a "hybrid" conference scheduled for June 28-July 1 in Des Moines, Iowa, and offering an in-person option for people who can travel and a virtual option for people who cannot travel. "We appreciate partners like The BRANDT Foundation that recognize the need to educate pre-kindergarten through 12th grade teachers and students across the country about the importance of agriculture, particularly their support of the virtual options we're providing," said Tammy Maxey, president of NAITCO and programs director of Virginia Agriculture in the Classroom. "Their sponsorship helps NAITCO make an impact on millions of students nationally." "Agriculture education is a key part of our mission and focus," said Karl Barnhart, vice president of The BRANDT Foundation. "It's critical that students-and the teachers who help shape their opinions-understand where their food comes from and how it is produced. Supporting National Agriculture in the Classroom helps increase agricultural literacy in classrooms across the country." Tweet |