| October 2002 | | INCLUDES: OPENING THE DOORS TO CUBA Market Research Update International Marketing Successful Farming: One Century Down and Counting
| September 2002 | | INCLUDES: CO-OPS ADJUST TO FARMLAND BANKRUPTCH Specialty Crops Agriculture Careers Supplement Marketing to Livestock/Dairy Producers
| July/August 2002 | | INCLUDES: FARM SHOWS FACE MARKET CHALLENGES Annual Farm Show Guide Ag Publications Summit Insert Wheat & Small Grains Markets
| June 2002 | | INCLUDES: PRODUCERS & CONSUMERS ... It's Time to Get on the Same Page Market Research Farm Broadcast Update Direct / Relationship Marketing
| May 2002 | | INCLUDES: THE AGENCY ISSUE ... featuring the Biggest, the Bravest, the Boldest Agribusiness Leader of the Year NAMA Marketer of the Year Annual Agency Listing
| April 2002 | | INCLUDES: BEST OF NAMA 2002 Best of Show Brand Building Ag Careers & Universities
| March 2002 | | INCLUDES: STAYIN' ALIVE ... Ag Dot.coms Learn New Steps To Succeed Farm Broadcast Update Marketing On The Web Marketing To Livestock Producers
| February 2002 | | INCLUDES: AGCO TAKES ON TOUGH MARKET WITH NEW BRAND Canadian Update Cotton & Rice Marketing Incentive Travel / Sales Promotion
| January 2002 | | INCLUDES: FOOD SECURITY: CHALLENGES FOR MARKETERS CAMA Supplement 2001 Ag Economic Recap Direct Relationship Marketing